July Guide Sign


Mid-summer is just around the corner.

Edamame or Green soybeans are essential for drinking beer or sake.

It’s a big relief to have a glass of beer with edamame as an appetizer after work.in mid-summer.

Edamame beans are harvested while the beans are still young and soft. They taste sweeter.

Edamame literally means “stem bean”, because the beans are often sold while still attached to the stem.

According to the earliest document, the term “edamame” dates to 1275,

when the Japanese monk wrote a note thanking a parishioner for the gift of “edamame”.

How to Select Fresh Green Soybeans: Choose beans that are crisp and fee from stains

How to cook: Put pods in boiling water. Commonly salt is used for taste,

either dissolved in the boiling water or added after cooking.

Edamame is a natural source of many essential nutrients like soy beans products.

Edamame is available frozen all year, but now is the best time for enjoy fresh edamame.

It has been a long-history snack with nutritional punch to survive Japan’s hot and wet summer.

Ancestors’ wisdom should be appreciated.







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Do you prefer having lessons at your own place at your own convenience?
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