September Guide Sign


You can feel it in the air. Autumn is just around the corner.

2016 summer is marked by enjoyment of Rio Olympics and excitement fueled by Pokemon Go.

The game has been spreading fast across the world.

Nintendo collaborated to develop the game.

In 1889 Nintendo was established as hanafuda (Japanese playing cards with twelve different flowers

illustrated instead of numbers) making company in Kyoto.

The company was founded by Fusajiro Yamauchi

and taken over by Hiroshi Yamauchi (1927-2013), Fusajiro’s grandson.

After several years developing the card business,

he decided to diversify the company, but failed.

The company risked bankruptcy. But he’ was a visionary businessman.

He moved into electronic entertainment.

After its ups and down, he transformed Nintendo into a world-leading video games company.

Under his 53 year tenure (from 1949 to 2002), Nintendo created lucrative titles such as Super Mario and Pokemon.

Behind the big success of Nintendo was that he had remarkable intuition for what people would want in the future

and a knack at identifying good games even though he had never played them,

He utilised the work of legendary games designers including Satoru Iwata (1959-2015)

who joined development of Pokemon Go

and spent his last few days working on the game.

The game designers came up with splendid and novel ideas t

hat have got people amused and excited worldwide, as shown Pokemon Go.

You can travel between the real world and the virtual world

of Pokémon with Pokémon. As the name of Nintendo comes from a saying

“Do your best and leave the rest to heaven”,

they are always challenging themselves to make something new. What comes next?


Do you prefer having lessons at your own place at your own convenience?
NIC can dispatch Japanese teachers.

Do you prefer having lessons at your own place at your own convenience?
NIC can dispatch Japanese teachers.